Best Practices: Project Management and PRINCE2

Best Practices: Project Management and PRINCE2

Project management is the application of the four project management best practices for strategy and plan execution. (1) It is organize from the outset; (2) it includes a proposal and a scope/business case; (3) it directs each phase; (4) it determines the approach to be follow and managing contingencies; (5) it puts controls on actions in order of priority to meet project goals; As on a PRINCE2 Foundation training manchester.

I. Scope definition

Project has defined scope, the sum of the individual work required for all phases. It is therefore necessary to recognize it to be the case that only one set of work is executed on any one phase. Any work added to the already existent scope after one or more phase has been completed. It will not be in the scope of another phase which could go on to other work, for example future level work. One way to think about the scope would be to keep in mind concept of organic growth. There are many possible futures of a project. It is not enough to have a representation of only one future state. The at least, one of these future states will always be accessible by somebody, somewhere, and this can be the basis for keeping the scope of the project.

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We have not yet tried to define the scope at the beginning of the planning. This number may need to be define later when you start managing the project. Before the actual start we should translate the scope to a number limited only to the leading stakeholders.

II. Proposal

After the scope has been realize by the stakeholders the next step is to create a proposal for the entire project. This will be a very important document that will transcend the planning phase.

Proposal is the justification of the project and the work to be done. In doing this you will have to convince the context part and the people part of your stakeholders that the work to be done is significant. It will be useful not only for them or for the organization but for the future too.

“There is only one rule here: work only when you have seen something to be worth doing.” — Richard Bach.

The proposal is the document that defines the scope, deliverables, carrying out instructions, integration and verification work to be done. The easiest way to understand and implement the work necessary to create a authentic proposal government use a proposal software called Pertens.

III. Process

The most important element of project management, and probably the most difficult process to understand, is where you are at and where you want to get to.

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The life cycle of a project from beginning to end is a series of tasks and steps that build each other, which in turn produce the deliverables obtained through the project work.

The chaining of this process is the management of stakeholder concerns and expectations and is define in good project management process. This process is describe below:

1. Defining the project scope

2. Prioritizing the tasks and steps that are involve in the project

3. Identifying all the resources

4. Planning the execution of the plan

5. Managing the implementation of the plan

6. Monitoring the results

7. Managing the resources

8. Close the project.

However, there are some organizations that still manage projects theimb graz Lamp. Such organizations introduce the aim of vision or realization concept on projects, which had the effect of only managing activities after the end of the project.

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